BNI 12 Softball Team Raises $2,500 or Alzheimer's Research

BNI 12 and seven other chapters participated in BNI’s annual softball tournament, with our chapter raising $2,500 for the  Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation. The seven other chapters also raised money for charities of their choice.

The Fisher Center is a nexus for Alzheimer’s disease research at Rockefeller. Its scientists work to expand and accelerate Alzheimer’s research and lay the foundation for new treatment strategies.  In particular, the Fisher Center’s investigations build on research that explores various aspects of Alzheimer’s, which is the most common type of dementia.

Softball will return in 2025!

BNI 12 Members Raise Tens of Thousands for Charity in 2022

BNI Chapter 12 members are not just referring business to each other, they are also pitching in to help other members raise money for a wide variety of charitable causes. In 2022 alone, chapter members helped each other raise over $28,000 for the fight against life-threatening illnesses; helping NYC’s homeless; and building financial literacy for women.

A little over a third of the money raised in 2022 went to fight cancer and other diseases which have touched the lives of chapter members.

“Support from friends is immeasurable and it means so much to me,” said Mark D. Friedman, Chapter 12’s Manhattan realtor, who raised over $10,000 from BNI 12 members for the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation. Chapter members also helped Mr. Friedman raise over $30,000 in the previous five years for the American Cancer Society’s Taste of Hope NYC event.

Chapter members also contributed to The Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America, a cause which Kelley Joyce, the chapter’s career & business coach, supports in honor of her father.

Also in 2022, the Ali Forney Center held its inaugural dance-a-thon, a fund raiser to provide meals for homeless LGBTQ youth in NYC. Adrien Allred, the chapter’s architect, participated in the event, raising almost $7,000 from BNI 12 members to help the Center.

BNI members contributed $10,000 to the gala of Savvy Ladies, a non-profit offering free financial education for women, which was founded by Stacy Francis, Chapter 12’s financial planner & wealth manager.

“It has meant so much to me to watch Savvy Ladies grow over the years, and to have had the support of this BNI chapter all along the way – in addition to the Gala support we received from the chapter this year,” Ms. Francis said.

As 2023 begins, chapter members are looking forward to helping each other more with referrals, while also serving our communities.

“I support many charities and the chapter has always been generous and in turn it makes me feel even better to refer supporters,” Mr. Friedman said.


BNI 12’s Team Storm Riders has raised over $90,000 in total and $20,000 this year. It was a great success in the support of our friend #JonathanCohenStrong and the movement to beat Rare Cancer. The indoor team cycling events are held at Equinox nationwide, and 100% of all money raised directly funds lifesaving rare cancer research at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK.) BNI 12 and Team Storm Riders will ride again on March 10, 2019.

You can still donate at

Diane Rooney beats 1:55080 odds, wins over $1800 in our lottery!

We all witnessed an amazing moment in luck. Every week, BNI 12 has a door prize, Diane's name was drawn from referrals passed that day, and won a Regis package of over $500. Odds of winning was 1:51. 

Then there is also a SEPARATE weekly raffle lottery, but to get a chance to win, one must first get their name picked from a bowl and then pull the Queens of Hearts out of deck of cards. Diane won a chance to pull the Queens of Hearts. Odds this week was 1:60.

To pull the winning card out of the deck, odds are 1:52. But each week when there is no winner, the card is ripped up, lowering the odds. With no winners over the last 34 weeks, there were 18 cards left. The pot had accumulated to $1800.  Diane pulled the Queens of Hearts! Odds are winning 1:18.

Odds winning all three 1:55080 winning $1800 cash and Regis Door prize of $500 worth 0f services. It was amazing to watch. Congratulations to Diane Rooney!

Project Laser Beam Hot Seats

Please review this list of our LASER BEAM HOT SEATS!  YOU want filled in the chapter-
Tomorrow after you say your tag line you will need to tell us WHO YOU ARE GOING TO TARGET AS A VISITOR FROM THIS LIST TO BRING IN JANUARY/FEBRUARY
Help your team win the contest and your fellow members grow their businesses!

Open Chairs
BNI 12 is currently have open chairs in the following:

- Non-profit consultant
- Caterer/Corporate Caterer
- Public Relations Agency
- Copywriter
- Doctors--Podiatrist, Optometrist, Female MD, MD
- HR: Human Resources Director,
- Executive Recruiter,
- Commercial Real Estate Attorney

- Facilities Manager
- Office Supplies
- Psychotherapist